After reviewing community, staff and student input, the Kelso School Board announced the name and mascot of the new elementary school being built in the Lexington neighborhood at the Monday, May 20, board meeting. Of the three options forwarded to the board in March, Lexington Elementary School Eagles was selected. The colors of the new school are green and silver with a black accent.
“This new school will be a gathering place for learning, athletics and community events and we wanted the name to connect the school to the neighborhood. Eagles are not only a patriotic symbol of America, they are frequently seen along the river blocks away from the school,” said Leah Moore, school board president. “We hope that the name will inspire Kelso kids!”
The district began the process with a public survey to gather community suggestions, and followed designated guidelines for naming a new school (as outlined in Board Policy 6970). Survey suggestions were compiled for a committee of stakeholders to review. The committee was made up of representatives from Beacon Hill and Catlin (teachers, classified staff, secretaries, parents, kids), community members and local business representatives. The Naming Committee narrowed selections and presented the board with the top three choices: Lexington Eagles, Riverside Otters and Cowlitz River Otters. The board then asked all the students in Beacon Hill and Catlin, the two elementary schools that will be combining into the new school, to vote for their favorite of the three options.
“The Board believed it was important that the students have a voice in choosing the name of the new school,” said board member Howard Sharples. “We want our students to know their opinions have value.”
Two special guests, an eagle mascot and an otter mascot, were in attendance at the board meeting anxiously awaiting the final decision, which, according to policy, must be at least 30 days after being presented with options. The mascots, Kelso High theater students Levi Redmill and Lauren Cramton, were interviewed (pre-game style) by Maekaili Russel, also a KHS theater student, prior to the reveal. Watch the video below.