
What is your favorite school tradition? "My favorite traditions are when families, staff and students come together to celebrate students' successes and enjoy special events; SOAR Assemblies, Bingo Nights, etc."
- Tim Yore- Principal

What makes a 'good day' at school? "When students feel safe, loved, and valuable in my classroom it is a great day."
- Josephine Eberhard- 3rd grade

Why did you get into education? "I got into education so that I could make a positive difference in students' lives - letting the child know that my classroom is a safe place where it is okay to make and learn from our mistakes."
- Cheryl Carson- 2nd grade

What is your First Day of School Tradition? "I love reading Our Class is a Family by Shannon Olson on the first day of school."
- Jennifer Phipps- TK

What is 'Kindness' to you? "Kindness is being friendly and considerate towards others no matter what you feel on the inside. It is looking through a different lens and seeking to make their day better, without expecting anything in return."
- Tammy Parsons- STEAM

What is 'Kindness" to you?"Kindness is doing small acts that make someone’s day better. It shows that you understand and care about their feelings."
- Amanda Taylor- 4th grade

What is your favorite classroom tradition? "My favorite classroom tradition is our class read aloud and discussions."
- Sarah Schill- 5th grade

What is your First Day of School Tradition? "Each student creates their own Flat Stanley that will travel with them throughout the year."
- Jessica Iddings- 2nd grade

What is your educational philosophy? "Children learn when they are a part of a supportive, curiosity-driven environment where they can enhance their individual skills and are encouraged to use their critical thinking skills."
- Molly Gutridge- MUSIC