We hope you take a moment to enjoy the Kelso High School Spring Choir Concert.
CLICK HERE to watch the youtube playlist of the performance.
CLICK HERE to view the concert program.
The following is a special message from Mr. Cossi, KHS Choir Director:
"Returning to school this fall we had virtual choir over Zoom. We tried to come back but were
not quite ready. We came back in small groups but couldn't sing yet. When we could sing we
did it in masks and nine feet apart in small groups. Then when everyone came back we could
no longer fit so we moved up to the pool observation deck. Through it all these kids have
stuck with me, stuck with choir, and stuck with each other. It would have been so easy to
drop, to quit, to throw in the towel. My deepest gratitude is with these resilient singers, their
dedicated families, and our fellow teachers and leaders who have helped us stay steady
through this tumultuous time.
Each of our groups deserves a special acknowledgement. When Concert Choir was struggling to find the right concert music I chose to write them my first ever choral composition and they have brought their hearts and souls to learning and performing it! Chamber Choir has taken on some super difficult music with singers from freshmen through seniors and have created an excellent culture along the way. Our Show Choir couldn't exist as a class this year because of some funding issues and chose to come together before and after school in May and June to perform two super challenging pieces. This has been an incredible end to a difficult year and I'm so grateful for you all. Please enjoy our concert and your summer!"