Kelso High School is participating in the Washington State Healthy Youth Survey during fall 2023. The survey will be given to students in Grades 10 &12 at Kelso High School.
The Healthy Youth Survey includes questions related to physical activity and diet, unintentional and intentional injury, substance use, sexual behaviors, abuse, risk and protective factors, and access to school based services. Survey results are used by schools, communities, and state agencies to plan programs to support youth and reduce their risks.
Participation in the survey is voluntary and the students’ answers are anonymous. There are no codes or information used to match a survey to a student. Copies of the survey will be provided to parents upon request.
Please read the attached links Parent and Student Notification Letter for more information about the Healthy Youth Survey.
Parent and Student Notification Letter - ENGLISH
Parent and Student Notification Letter - SPANISH
Parent and Student Notification Letter - CHUUKESE
While the 10th and 12th grade students complete the Healthy Youth Survey, our 9th and 11th grade students will be asked to complete a similar needs survey for Kelso High School and Kelso School District. This survey will provide our counseling and administrative teams with information about our school climate, feelings of safety, current student needs, and will generally help us gauge Academic, Career, and Personal/Social skill development.
The Needs Assessment Survey is also anonymous and optional; however, the information we gather holds greater meaning with more participants. Data recovered during this survey are used to design and implement programs within KHS to address student needs and provide student resources.
10th and 12th grade students will also be given the opportunity to complete this survey if time allows.