Another school year is well underway and a few things have changed here at Kelso School District. Just like you can never step in the same river twice, you can never attend the same school district twice. Here’s a fresh look at who we are as a body of students and staff, and what’s happening in our six areas of focus.
Here’s a printer-friendly pdf of this issue.
Our Students
- 87.3% – 2018 grad rate vs 80.9% state average
- 49% – of Kelso graduates enrolled in 4- or 2-year university or technical college or military program
- 5,146 – total students
- 57% – free and reduced lunch
- 24 – different languages spoken by students
- 206 – students attending Kelso schools on a boundary exception from neighboring districts
Our Teachers
- 12.4 – average years of teaching experience
- 68% – have a Master’s degree
- 25% – attended Kelso schools themselves
- 38% went to WSU (Cougars)
- 4% went to UW (Huskies)
Priority Goals
- 100% of elementary classrooms start their day with social-emotional learning (SEL)
- 100% of elementary schools have a Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS)
- 79% reduction in behavior-based special education referrals
Early Learning
- 200+ – people attended Kinderpalooza to support kinder readiness
- 31% – of eligible pre-K kids are enrolled in Head Start/ECEAP
- 100% – of K-1 classrooms receive a strong research-based literacy foundation
Quality Instruction
- 100% of district purchased instructional materials rank highest in EdReports
- Priority goals include English language arts (ELA) and mathematics
- 2018-19 adoptions included world language, high school ELA and music
- 2019-20 adoption pilot includes K-8 mathematics
Career, College & Community Ready
- 1 of 4 districts in the state on the Advanced Placement Honor Roll
- 15 – AP/Honors/College in the High School classes offered
- 53 – Career & Technical Education (CTE) courses offered
- 57.6% – of HS students completed at least one dual credit course
Fiscal / Bond
- $139.8M – total 2019-20 budget ($60M allocated for school construction)
- 2018 voter-approved bond is tracking on time and on budget (visit for up-to-date info)
- Upcoming February 11, 2020 levy