Staff Wellness Center, Resources and Forms

The goal of the Kelso School District Wellness Committee is to provide a comprehensive workplace wellness program that promotes a healthy lifestyle for staff. On this page, you will find community and staff resources & forms. The Wellness Committee has provided these links as a courtesy to staff to gain more information about community and employee resources, including our Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

All Kelso School District staff and household members have access to our EAP through Magellan Health. Employees do not need to be in a benefit-eligible position to utilize the Employee Assistance Program. The EAP is provided at no cost to district employees and their household members. The EAP includes resources such as counseling (up to 8 sessions per person, per issue), lifestyle coaching, work-life services, and more! You can get started today by calling (800) 523-5668 or by going to Magellan's website.

SmartHealth (SEBB)

SmartHealth is Washington State's voluntary wellness program that supports you on your journey toward living well. It is included in your SEBB benefits at no cost to you.

Why SmartHealth?

SmartHealth supports whole person well-being. Join activities that support all of you, including managing stress, building resiliency, and adapting to change.

As you progress on your wellness journey, you can qualify for the SmartHealth wellness incentive.

Who is eligible?

Generally, subscribers and their spouse or state-registered domestic partner enrolled in a SEBB medical plan can use SmartHealth.

However, only the following subscribers enrolled in a SEBB medical plan can qualify for the SmartHealth wellness incentive.

  • Employees
    Are you an employee waiving SEBB medical coverage? If so, you can still access SmartHealth but you won't qualify for the SmartHealth wellness incentive.

  • SEBB Continuation Coverage (Unpaid Leave) subscribers

  • SEBB Continuation Coverage (COBRA) subscribers

What is the incentive?

Eligible SEBB subscribers can qualify for a $125 wellness incentive. To get your $125 incentive, you must qualify in 2024, and be enrolled in a SEBB medical plan as a subscriber in 2025.

How you receive your $125 incentive depends on the type of medical plan you enroll in for 2025:

  • High-deductible health plan: A one-time deposit of $125 into the subscriber's health savings account (HSA) in January 2025.

  • All other plans: A $125 reduction to the subscriber's 2025 SEBB medical plan deductible in January 2025.

How do I qualify?

Complete all three steps within the deadlines below to qualify for the $125 wellness incentive.

  1. Get started. Sign in to SmartHealth.

  2. Take the assessment. Finish the 15-minute SmartHealth well-being assessment and earn 800 points.

  3. Qualify. Join and track activities to earn at least 2,000 points by your deadline to qualify for the $125 wellness incentive in 2025.

Community Resources

Resources for emergency shelters, national prevention lines, transportation, clothing, pet, and food/meals.

Emergency Support Shelter

1330 11th Ave, Longview WA

(360) 425-1176

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Hotline

(360) 425-1176

National Suicide Prevention

Call or Text 988

National Domestic Violence Hotline

(800) 799-7233

Crisis Services Mental Health

(360) 425-6064

Community House on Broadway

1105 Broadway St., Longview, WA

(360) 425-8679

RiverCities Transit

Lift - 1135 12th Ave, Longview, WA

(360) 442-5667

CAP Transportation Services

1526 Commerce Ave, Longview, WA

(360) 425-3430

Kalama Helping Hand

191 Cloverdale Road, Kalama, WA

(360) 636-2814

Woodland Action Center

736 Davidson Ave, Woodland, WA

(360) 225-9998

Fences for Fido

(503) 621-9225

Cowlitz Humane Society

909 Columbia Blvd, Longview, WA

(360) 577-0151

Salvation Army

1639 10th Ave, Longview, WA

(360) 423-3990

Helping Hands of Castle Rock

126 1st Ave SW, Castle Rock, WA

Resources for staying active, nutrition, and miscellaneous.

Staff Resources

The Family & Community Resource Center offers great local resources for families and students. Resources offered by the FCRC include food, school supplies, clothes, and personal items. A comprehensive community resources list provided by the FCRC can be found here. You can reach the FCRC by calling (360) 501-1993 or visit in person at 2001 Allen St. Kelso, WA 98626.

Did you know Kelso School District staff get a discount at Snap Fitness? Enjoy 50% off enrollment fees and 10% off monthly fees. You must show your District ID card in order to get this discount. Visit either Longview Snap Fitness locations to get started today!

Professional Development

Kelso School District offers Professional Development (PD) courses for staff. Professional Development questions can be directed to the Teaching & Learning department. You can find more information on clock hours here. All clock hours have to be claimed in PDEnroller before submitting clock hour forms to HR. Questions about PDEnroller can be directed to Teaching and Learning at or via phone (360) 501-1926.

KSD Wellness Committee

If you feel there are any additional resources that should be added to this page, or if you are interested in joining the Wellness Committee, please reach out. Please complete the Google Form to submit your resource suggestion. All suggestions will be reviewed by the Kelso School District Wellness Committee. We are here for you!

Holly Budge - Director, Human Resources
Adrean Myers - Human Resources Benefits Specialist
Dayton Cox - Human Resources Associate
Crystal Smith - Human Resources Generalist
Gunnar Guttormsen - Director, Student Services & Assessment
Lacey DeWeert - Associate Director, Teaching & Learning
Sheri Walker - Principal, Kelso High School
Lisa Caddel - Language Arts Teacher, Huntington Middle School
Seth Peck - Principal, Barnes Elementary
Cami Rothwell - Counselor, Lexington Elementary
Kali Dalton - Counselor, Kelso High School
Jillyn Swanda - Sped Support Teacher, Lexington Elementary School
Tangi Bennett - 5th Grade Teacher & Admin Intern, Wallace Elementary
Melody Bell - Social Studies Teacher & Instructional Coach, Kelso High School

Employee Forms/Links

zo8 2025 award winner