Field Trips, Facility Use, and Staff Resources

Classroom/field trip sack lunch orders

Sack lunch order requests should be made at least 10 days prior to the date needing lunches. If you do not complete your sack lunch request within the required time frame, it can not be guaranteed we will have the items to prepare the sack lunches.

Sack lunches are not available on non-school days. If your program is having a trip on a non-school day, sack lunches my be purchased instead.

Please submit forms via email or a paper copy to your schools kitchen lead. If you are an outside group please submit to

Field Trip Sack Lunch Order Form

Staff meal payments

Staff are expected to keep meal balances positive at all times. Nutrition Services cashiers will not allow staff to receive a meal if their balance is at or below $0. Please make pre-payments to keep your account in good standing either online through our online payment system, or through the Nutrition Services cashier. Your lunch balance may be checked on Skyward or through the Nutrition Services Cashier. We appreciate your attentiveness to keep accounts positive.

Non-event food and supply ordering

If your school/department/classroom would like to order food/supplies, please send an email to: outlining your request at least 10 days prior to needing the items with a completed Food and Supply Order Request Form. Nutrition Services operates a federal Non-Profit School Food Service Account and must upcharge items used outside of school meal items. Please expect items to have a significant markup. If you would like to discuss items, prices, lead times, etc., please outline so in your email request. NS office can draft up a quote prior to purchasing. The department/school will be required to provide a budget code prior to placing the order and an invoice will be sent for inter-district billing accordingly.

Fillable Food and Supply Order Request Form

Catering requests

If your organization/school/department would like to host an event that will need catering (both supplies/food) from NS as well as labor from our staff, please send an email to at least 3 weeks prior to event with a completed Event Request Form. Nutrition Services operates a federal Non-Profit School Food Service Account and must upcharge items used outside of school meal items. Please expect items to have a significant markup. If you would like to discuss items, prices, lead times, etc., please outline so in your email request. NS office can draft up a quote prior to purchasing which includes supplies, food, and labor. The department/school will be required to provide a budget code prior to placing the order and an invoice will be sent for inter-district billing accordingly. Invoices will include applicable labor charges for time worked per employee at their catering rate.

Additionally, if your event requires use of a school facility, please complete a Facility Use Request per Maintenance and Facilities Department procedures. If you need tables set up, garbage's, custodians, etc., please include this in your request with their department. These items are not covered/delegated by Nutrition Services. Submit facilities request here.

Fillable Catering Request Form

Kitchen use requests

If your organization/school/department would like to host an event utilizing our school kitchens, the Kitchen Use Request form must be sent to at least three weeks prior to the event. Please note: It may be necessary to obtain a temporary operating permit from the Cowlitz County Health Department for your event.

Please complete a Facility Use Request per Maintenance and Facilities Department procedures. If you need tables set up, garbage's, custodial service, etc., please include this in your request with their department. These items are not covered/delegated by Nutrition Services. Submit facilities request here:

Fillable Kitchen Use Request Form