Transition Team: Counselors and Administrators
For students, the transitions from elementary to middle school and from middle to high school can be difficult. Our counselors and administrators collaborate to ensure seamless transitions and have been working on the process and master schedule development since the school closure began. This work also includes: meeting with students individually by phone or Zoom, making welcome videos for students and parents, classroom Zoom meetings, and more.
We can’t thank you enough for your work to help all our students feel safe, excited, and welcome when they return to school:Kim Allais, Emily Allred, Rob Birdsell, Kylie Chapman, Cindy Cromwell, Kali Dalton, Zoe Dieter,Lavern Dollarhyde, Greg Gardner, Marla Green, Laura Hiatt, Angela Knowles, Rachel Leinweber, Sarah Marlow, Denise Miles-Foges, Makailo Mobbs, Cami Rothwell, Erin Schumacher, Justin Sitch, Rebecca Viscuso, and Chris Wiseman.