Contact Information:
Tammy Trafelet, ML Coordinator
Email: Tammy.Trafelet@kelsosd.org
Phone: (360) 501-1360
Kendra Parker
ML Administrative Assistant
Phone: (360) 501-1939
Multi-Language Learners (ML) participate fully in the Kelso School District curriculum through language and academic support from highly-qualified ML staff members. Upon registration, students who first spoke a language other than English are given the English Language Proficiency Assessment (WIDA) to determine their initial language proficiency level. The District provides MLs with varying levels of support based on their language proficiency level and grade level.
Your child’s school should communicate with you—in your language—about your child’s education. This often includes translated documents and a language interpreter for meetings and conversations. You have the right to these services even if you speak some English and even if your child can speak or read in English.
The school should communicate with you in your language about important information and opportunities for your child. This includes information about:
Registration and enrollment in school
Grades, academic standards, and graduation
School rules and student discipline
Attendance, absences, and withdrawal
Parent permission for activities or programs
School closures
Opportunities to access programs or services—including highly capable, advanced placement, and English language learner programs
Special education and services for students with disabilities
Sonja Cardenas
Spanish Support Services

Anter Sasuo
Chuukese Support Services

For Interpretive Support:
Please contact Kendra Parker
email: kendra.parkerl@kelsosd.org
phone: (360) 501-1939